Hey All,
Burned a CD with all the tracks today. I'm still figuring out who is who, but here are some initial thoughts...
Jack: I don't like the slow metal version of (i think) Unless I Change My Mind. The original is way better. I think we should leave it an upbeat pub tune ala Ball and Chain by Social D. Same with Foam Rubber and Gonna Be Your Man.
Bolio: Good stuff. Should be fine as it is.
Leaf62: I think we should play mini-sets of one person at a time, and you should go first.
Puce: Is your stuff the heavy electronic song? I think this one should be done Karoake style with people playing along. That might be as far as I got on my walk to work this morning.
Overall, I think it will be a fun set. Lot's of good stuff.
Be well,